
Hair and
claw care

Be sure to comb the coat daily with a slicker brush and a fine-toothed metal comb. If tangles appear, they will need to be cut off so that they do not increase in size. It is recommended to cut too long hair on the ears, paws, around the anus. Dogs of this breed require a haircut 2-3 times a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the dog. The nails are cut as they grow with a special nail cutter.


You need to bathe your pet at home quite rarely - 2-3 times a year or before the exhibition. The skin of the Spitz is prone to drying out, so you should use a special shampoo. After water procedures, the dog's hair is dried with a hairdryer. Eyes and ears should be cleaned 1-2 times a week with cotton pads soaked in warm water. Teeth are cleaned with a special paste or regular use of tendons.